Old-fashioned delicious rice cake made with a pestle
This mochi is made from Miyagi prefecture’s Miyakogane (specially cultivated rice) and alkaline ionized water, steamed in a bamboo steamer, and finished with only a pestle .
Miyakogane is the king of rice cakes thanks to its white, smooth, sticky, and chewy characteristics.
Thanks to the strength of the body, it does not droop of lose its shape when added to soups!
The cooking method of warming it in the microwave with water is excellent and tastes great with soybean flour and anko.
Since the expiration date is short, I hesitated to stock this in our shop, but I wanted everyone living in the United States to try this delicious mochi.
Please enjoy it!
(We will ship items with a best-by date of 30 days or more)
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